Danielle Brouwer, Assistant Manager of Retail
How long have you worked for the Jays organization?
I started in August 2016 as a sales associate to get ready for that year’s postseason run. I was promoted to Assistant Manager in 2019.
What drew you to want to work here?
I was finishing up my Masters at the time and I was looking for a job where you’re able to interact with a lot of people. The hours were flexible and I have fond memories of the team. My dad was a big fan of the Jays so being a part of this team meant a lot.
What is it like being in this environment and this kind of team? What keeps you coming back?
It’s such a fun and exciting environment. No two days are the same, you have to expect the unexpected. Working with fans and my team really makes the difference. I get to interact with people from all over the country and also watch my fellow team members grow over the years.
Favourite/most fulfilling part of your job?
The conversations I get to have with everyone, getting to meet people from all over and hear why the team means so much to them. There will be families that come from Alberta as season ticket holders and spend the summer in the city. I use the common interest that we have in baseball to have genuine conversations. We’re building relationships with those ticket holders over the years to the point where they’re like family now.
Favourite/memorable Jays moment?
Memorable Jays moment for me would be in the 2016 ALDS against Texas, I was 6 weeks on the job and it was one of the first playoff games I worked. The team had that walk-off win with Josh Donaldson sliding into home to sweep the series. The energy in the building was unmatched.
Can you talk a little bit about the Blue Jays’ WE CARE values, and how you motivate your staff to engage with fans to create that exceptional experience your team is known for?
With the WE CARE values, we talk a lot about fan experience and how to deliver to their expectations. Within all departments, the values need to be incorporated. How are you being empathetic and welcoming to guests’ needs. Come in to every interaction being genuine and want to get to know the fans on their level. We use the same values among staff as well, we focus on how to use those values with co-workers to create a safe and fun environment for everyone.